Understanding the Emotion of Love

Love is one of the most profound emotions that people experience. It can be a beautiful thing that brings out the best in us, but it can also lead to pain and suffering. It can be difficult to understand, and it may feel like it is out of your control. But if you work hard […]

The Importance of Sleep

When you get a good night’s sleep, you feel refreshed. You’re alert, focused and able to perform well throughout the day. But when you don’t get enough sleep, it can leave you feeling irritable and a little bit out of it. The lack of a full night’s rest can also impact your mental health, making […]

Choosing the Right Bed For You

A bed is a piece of furniture used for sleeping. It is usually a platform that is raised from the floor and covered by a mattress. The frame, or base, of the bed may be wood or metal. The mattress is made of either wood, foam, or springs. A mattress is usually covered by a […]

What is Binge Eating Disorder?

Binge eating disorder (BED) is a serious mental illness. In BED, people experience recurrent episodes of binge eating, which are defined by eating a large amount of food within a short period of time. These episodes are accompanied by feelings of intense distress. Unlike people with bulimia nervosa or anorexia nervosa, people with BED don’t […]

What Does Love Really Mean?

In many cultures, love is a complex concept with an equally complex definition. The word can be used to describe a wide variety of emotions and attachments, from the feelings of camaraderie with friends to the butterflies that come with romantic love. Despite the confusion, it is important to understand what love really means in […]

The Effects of Sleep Deprivation

Whether you have a sleep disorder or simply struggle to get enough quality rest, the effects of poor sleep can touch every area of your life. From mood, memory and decision-making to physical health and the ability to think and learn – the evidence is strong that a good night’s sleep supports every system of […]

What to Look For in a Bed

A bed is a frame or platform that supports a mattress, usually with rails on one or both sides of the frame. A headboard and footboard are often attached to the frame, although they may not be. Sometimes, a bed includes a box spring or other type of foundation. Beds can be made from wood, […]

What Happens in the Brain When We Are in Love?

When we’re in love, logic and reason seem to fly out the window. We’re left with a head full of romantic notions straight out of a Disney movie or 90’s rom-com. It’s a time of intense happiness and euphoria – paired with craving, jealousy and anxiety. But what exactly is going on in our brain […]

Why Is Sleep So Important to Humans?

For decades, scientists have tried to understand the complex function of sleep. Without sleep, mammals die, so it’s crucial to survival. But the reasons are a bit of a mystery, though one theory says that sleeping lets us save energy for activities during the day by stockpiling resources and slowing down activities that use lots […]

What to Look For in a Bed

A bed is more than just a mattress. It also includes a frame, springs and other components. Some beds include a mattress and box spring together in one unit, while others require you to purchase them separately. The type of mattress you choose can affect how comfortable your sleep is, especially if you have any […]