The Importance of Sleep
Sleep is one of the most important bodily functions. It influences almost every system and organ in the body, including the brain, heart, lungs, liver, and immune system. It is also a crucial factor in maintaining healthy metabolism, memory, mood and disease resistance. A good night’s sleep can help you learn, think clearly, solve problems and maintain a positive outlook and healthy relationships with others. Ongoing sleep deficiency can cause some chronic health problems and even lead to death. That’s why getting enough rest is an important part of overall health, and why it’s a key focus in Healthy People 2030 and its predecessor, Healthy People 2020.
While you’re sleeping, your brain isn’t just resting — it’s actively processing information and creating new pathways that can enhance learning and improve problem-solving skills. When you are sleep deprived, these brain activities slow down and you might experience difficulty paying attention, making decisions or being creative.
During sleep, your hormones support tissue repair and muscle growth. In addition, sleep is when the body releases proteins that help fight infection and build the immune system.
When you don’t get enough sleep, the stress hormone cortisol increases, and this can lead to a variety of health issues over time. For example, it can make it harder to control your emotions and communicate with others, which can contribute to poor quality of life, conflict, depression and anxiety.
You may notice that you’re more likely to catch a cold or the flu when you don’t get enough sleep, and it’s often easier for germs to enter your body through the nose. During sleep, your white blood cells and other immune-system proteins can help destroy invading pathogens and keep you from getting sick.
Whether you are trying to get ahead at work, maintain a good relationship or raise a family, it’s essential that you have a good night’s sleep. While you’re sleeping, your brain is preparing for the next day and forming new connections that can enhance memory and improve learning and reasoning. Getting insufficient sleep can slow your reaction time, reduce your ability to make decisions and increase the risk of accident or injury.
Although there is still much to be learned about sleep, what we do know so far shows that it’s important for all of us — physically, emotionally and mentally. So, prioritize sleep by setting a realistic bedtime and waking time, and sticking to it. Try to do a similar routine each night so your body can “train” its internal clock, and make sure you are in a dark, quiet place when you go to sleep. And don’t use electronics near bedtime — these lights and apps can disrupt your brain’s natural sleep-wake cycle. Using a light-blocking mask can help with this. For better quality sleep, try to avoid caffeine and alcohol in the hours leading up to your bedtime and consider adding a bedtime ritual. For example, doing something relaxing like reading for a few minutes can signal to the brain that it is time to turn in.