Facts You Need To Know About Sleep

Facts You Need To Know About Sleep Sleep is an all natural recurring state of body and mind, characterized by modified awareness, reduced sensory activity, decreased muscle activity, decreased emotional arousal and inhibition of almost all voluntary muscles during REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, and decreased interactions with the external environment. It is during REM […]

The Difference Between Love and Attraction

Love is a broad collection of behaviors and emotions characterized by intense intimacy, emotional passion, commitment, and reliance. It typically involves emotional love, care, closeness, protection, attraction, caring, confidence, trust, and happiness. Love can range in intensity from mildly nurturing to highly demanding, but it can shift easily over time and can be equally rewarding […]

Why People Suffer From Sleep Disorders

Sleep is a natural, recurring state of body and mind, characterized by decreased sleepiness, usually accompanied by muscular restriction, reduced sensory activity, increased sleepiness and the decreased ability to recall events. Some people refer to sleep as “non-sleeping.” It is different from sleep that occurs when one is sleeping. The term non-sleeping is used to […]

Bed And Its Uses

Many people think they know how a bed works. The idea that heat rises is simple enough. However, there are many other factors that contribute to the success of your bed. A bed can be defined as a thick, compressed layer of materials in an appliance. This thick, compact layer is made up of various […]

Lust And Love: What Are They And How Can They Be Good Or Bad?

Love is a powerful and common emotion that can bring happiness and contentment in your life. It can be described as a divine, unconditional human feeling, not unlike our mother-love or father-love. It is the one feeling that brings us together and unites us in our broken hearts and with our spouses. Love encompasses a […]

Sleep Apnea in Babies and Older Children

Sleep is an ongoing, natural occurring condition of the body and brain, characterized by decreased awareness, decreased sensory behavior, decreased muscle activity and decreased interactions with external environments during rapid eye movement sleep (REMS), and decreased daytime sleepiness after the last REMS sleep episode. The quality and duration of sleep and the amount of sleep […]

Bed Frames – Considerations To Make Before Buying

The term “bed” can have many definitions and it has different meaning for different people. For some it may mean the bed of gravel at the base of a waterfall, whereas for others it may simply mean a bed of sand on a desert beach. The term bed refers to any solid surface that is […]

Emotional Satisfaction – Love

Emotional Satisfaction – Love Love is one of the most powerful human emotions and it has a very important role in human society and in our lives. When we are in love, we want to share the rewards with the person we love, and that’s why love is sometimes referred as the spice of life. […]

How Do You Know If You Need More Sleep?

Sleep is a naturally occurring condition of the body and mind, characterized by reduced sleep activity, fairly decreased sensory activities, decreased motor activity and behavioral inhibition during rapid eye movement sleep (Rapid Eye Movement), and decreased social interactions with other individuals during non-rapid eye movement sleep (NREM). In most adults, sleep frequency is twice per […]