How to Define Love

Love is the feeling you get when you know someone wants to be with you. It is the feeling that comes with trusting the other person will always be there for you. Love makes a relationship exciting and safe. Love weighs 143 pounds like Mr. Rogers did. He used to believe his weight symbolized the […]

What Happens During Sleep?

During each stage of sleep, your brain has different activities. During REM sleep, your brain is active and sends information from your short-term memory to your cerebral cortex for interpretation. Most of the night, you are in non-REM sleep. The non-REM sleep phase is characterized by slow brain waves and reduced responsiveness to the external […]

Binge Eating Disorder Beds

Binge eating disorder (BED) is a condition that causes a person to overeat in large amounts for short periods of time. It is often associated with somatic disorders, and the process of binge eating helps an individual reduce distress or feelings of anxiety. There are several effective treatments for BED, including CBT, BWL, and pharmacotherapy. […]

Things You Should Know Before Falling in Love

Love is a powerful emotion, much stronger than friendship. However, it can also turn into a train wreck. Regardless of the outcome, there are things that you should know before falling in love. There are two types of love: enduring and playful. An enduring relationship is one that has a long life, and one that […]

How Sleep Affects Your Body

Sleep plays an important role in our lives. We spend about one-quarter to a third of our lives sleeping, and its quality and quantity are essential to our overall health. Research has shown that sleep affects your brain’s function. Learn the different stages of sleep and how they affect your body. There are also ways […]

What Are Bedbugs and How Do They Affect You?

Beds have been around for centuries. During the Victorian era, the four-poster bed became popular, with fanciful carvings, inlaid paintings, and colorful trim. The four posts of this style were often covered with curtains and fabrics, and the mattress was filled with down. These beds were prized possessions in the Victorian era. The bedbug is […]

The Different Types of Love

Love is an emotion that can be defined in various ways. According to Pismenny and Prinz (2017), love is too complex to be defined in a single emotion. In their article, they explain the different types of love. For example, the first type of love is based on physical attraction, while the second type of […]

Improve Your Sleep and Health With BetterHelp

It’s important to get the right amount of sleep every night. Lack of sleep can make you feel tired in the morning and drain you of energy throughout the day. Fortunately, there are many ways to improve your sleep and health. Try getting over seven and a half hours every night. BetterHelp offers professional online […]

How Beds Have Changed Over Time

Throughout history, beds have been a staple of the home, but their details have varied greatly. During the Victorian era, four-poster beds became more ornate, with intricate carvings, inlaid paintings, and colorful trim. Some even came with heavy fabric curtains. The four posts supported each other with ropes, which held the fabric up. The mattress […]

The Meaning of Love

While there are countless synonyms for love, few can capture its full meaning. Many poets have attempted to capture the essence of this feeling. Some have said that love is the greatest gift of all time; others say that love is all you need. Wedding vows often mention that love is kind, patient, and never […]