The Importance of Sleep

Sleep is a recurrent, reversible state of consciousness characterized by complex changes in the body and brain, including a state of relaxed skeletal muscles and absence of goal-directed behaviour. Its characteristic posture is a resting position, as seen in humans and many animals. Such a posture reflects a passive position toward the environment. Sleep also […]

How Beds Have Changed Over the Years

Beds have undergone many changes over the millennia. In early times, people would sleep on piles of straw or natural materials. Some even used feathers or stones as pillows. While the basic structure of the bed has not changed much, the details have. Here are some examples of the changes that have taken place. -Bed […]

Key Facts About Love

The ancient Greeks have studied the subject of love and its many forms. They developed seven words to describe love and all have positive emotional associations. They include Eros, which means romantic love, and Ludus, which means playful love. Philia, which is often translated as brotherly love, can also refer to sisterly love. A subset […]

Choosing Beds and Mattresses

A bed is a place to sleep. A good bed supports you while you sleep, and you should choose a firm mattress to ensure that you get a good night’s rest. There are many different styles of bed and mattress, and each has its own advantages. There are also many different materials that can be […]

The Signs of Love

Love is an intense emotion that is rooted in the human experience. It is one of the basic needs in life. Love can be expressed in many different ways, from an intense feeling towards a person to a strong liking of something. It is the opposite of hate and it is difficult to define. It […]

The Benefits of Sleep for Teens

When we sleep, our body and brain go through different stages. Our non-REM sleep starts in the light “N1” stage and progresses into the deep “N3” stage. This sleep reduces our brain’s responsiveness to the outside world, slowing down our thoughts and most body functions. We spend half of the night in the “N2” stage, […]

Bedwetting Disorder

Bedwetting disorder (BED) is a common disorder in both men and women. It is caused by a combination of environmental, genetic, social, and cultural factors. Most people of all ages and socioeconomic statuses experience BED at one time or another. There are approximately equal numbers of males and females with BED. There are several ways […]

How to Show Your Love

Love is a complex, human emotion, which has many definitions and many types. Some researchers define it as a biological drive, others as a social phenomenon. It may vary from person to person and from culture to culture. The American Psychological Association defines love as a complex emotional state. There are also religious and spiritual […]

How Sleep Affects Our Health and Well-Being

Sleep is vital for our health and well-being, and an estimated 40% of the population experiences sleep disorders. Sleep disorders can interfere with our ability to work, drive, or engage in social activities. They also cost the United States an estimated $16 billion per year in medical costs. While there are more than 70 different […]

Bed Bugs and Beds in a Box

While the exact reasons for developing BED vary from person to person, there are several factors that appear to be related to the development of this condition. They include social, cultural, environmental, and genetic predisposition. People of all ages, socioeconomic statuses, and ethnic backgrounds are susceptible to developing BED. Large studies have also indicated that […]