Types of Beds for Binge Eating Disorder


Binge eating disorder (BED) affects approximately one out of every eighteen people. The disorder has several associated conditions, including higher rates of hospitalization, outpatient care, and emergency department visits. Other conditions that are linked to BED include sleep problems and associated illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease. It is also associated with an increased risk of cancer. Treatment options for BED vary widely, depending on the goals of the sufferer. To find the right one for you, ask a doctor about the benefits and risks of different treatments.

A pin-and-hook fastener is a better option when the bed is made from metal, and it uses a vertical mortise in the post. Pins are inserted horizontally into the post, intersecting the mortise. Hooks, on the other hand, are installed at the end of the rail, and they hook over the pins. This is a secure fastener, and it is easier to install.

Community-based therapy for BED can help most people recover from this disorder. A team made up of a medical practitioner, a psychiatrist, and a therapist will be able to best assist you in your recovery. Some patients may need inpatient treatment if their BED requires intensive medical care or nutritional rehabilitation. Antidepressants, such as lisdexamfetamine (Vyvanse), are also available for treating BED.

Apart from traditional types of beds, there are also a variety of styles available. For instance, a traditional Indian bed is called a charpai and is made of tied ropes with a wooden frame. In addition, a bed made for mourning may have effigies of the deceased or symbols of rank. If you prefer a more contemporary look, you may want to consider a modern, queen-size bed. There are countless options available to fit your needs.

The earliest portable beds were used in France during the reign of Louis XI. Later on, portable beds were used by high society in France. French women used their beds to receive friends and loved ones, whether they were mourning, childbirth, or just need a break. The king would even use a portable bed in his own parliament, implying his power. These beds were extremely popular in high society until the end of the Ancien Regime.

Beds may also come with side rails, footers, and headboards. A “headboard only” bed may also have a bed skirt, dust ruffle, or valance sheet. Pillows and blankets are essential components of a bed, providing support for the head and insulate the sleeper. The removable non-furniture parts of a bed are called bedding, which are typically washable.