What Happens During Sleep?

Many people think of sleep as a time when the brain and body are dormant. However, research shows that a great deal of work takes place during sleep, including important biological functions and memory consolidation. It’s no wonder that getting adequate sleep is essential to maintaining good mental and physical health.

The complexity of the human sleep-wake homeostasis and circadian alerting system is evidence of how crucial it is to overall well-being. Unfortunately, a wide range of environmental, familial, socioeconomic, and behavioral factors can interfere with this normal process, leading to insufficient sleep. Insufficient sleep can lead to a number of problems such as increased risk of obesity, depression judi bola and anxiety, poor concentration, memory impairment, decreased cognitive performance, and impaired immune function.

During this stage, blood flow to the brain and other organs decreases as your heart rate slows down and breathing becomes shallower. Eye movements cease and brain wave activity declines, but there is occasional high-frequency electrical activity. This is also the period of the deepest rest, with the body temperature decreasing and muscle activity at its lowest level.

A key part of this phase is the formation of a temporary memory trace, which occurs when you dream. Studies show that these memory traces have a significant effect on your mood and behavior during wakefulness. The formation of these traces is a key reason why people who are depressed or anxious often have trouble sleeping.

In this final phase of sleep, a protein called elastin is released, which helps to strengthen the connective tissues in the body. It is thought that elastin is an important factor in the body’s ability to recover from injury and illness. The process of healing and recovery is accelerated during sleep, which is why it is important to get enough rest.

In addition, the immune system is boosted by sleep. This is because the cells that attack invading germs and bugs during the day, such as a common cold, are remembered during sleep, allowing the immune system to recognize and quickly respond to these intruders.