What Is The Difference Between Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome And Insomnia?

Sleep is a natural, ongoing condition of the body and brain, characterised by decreased consciousness, significantly reduced sensory activity, decreased muscle activity and limited voluntary movements during rapid eye movement sleep (Rapid Eye Movement Sleeplessness), and decreased interactions with external environment during non REM sleep. Sleep can be fragmented into periods of high REM and low REM sleep. In humans, sleep can occur in two domains, which are: normal sleep apnea. Sleep can also be disrupted in a number of ways. This article will describe the most common types of sleep disorders. They are each divided into different categories, for example:


One of the most common sleep disorders, probably, is called hypersomnia or sleepwalking, which can be a waking episode or a sleepwalking episode. It is characterized by sudden awakening due to behavioural stimuli such as loud noises, the movement of the limbs, irritability, mood swings, stress, etc. In some cases, people suffering from this condition may sleep while they are driving on the road, so that they don’t wake up.

Another type of sleep disorder occurs when brain activity is disrupted in non REM sleep. This happens when the brain activity in the non REM sleep does not occur during the time when the person is actually asleep. This happens when the brain activity does not occur in theta, the brain waves that occur during the natural sleep process, or when it is interrupted by environmental influences such as light, noise or during REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. As a result, the person does not experience deep sleep.

Dreaming is another condition where the brain is not synchronized with the real world during dreaming. Dreams can have many different content, for example, simple images or complex stories. When dreaming, the brain structures reality according to its real-time experience. This means that dreams can be learnt and understood better if they are understood during the REM stage of the sleeping process. However, it is not always possible to analyse a dream while it is in the dreaming state because the brain structures and processes it during the waking hours, which are 9 hours long. Dreams cannot be studied using modern instruments; they are best analysed using neuropsychologists who can measure brain activity while sleeping.

There are three stages of sleep: light sleep, medium-light sleep and deep sleep. During light sleep, the body still contains enough resources for the performance of daily functions. The brain is mostly inactive because there is no stimuli and the eyes move slowly and subconsciously. In medium-light sleep, more physical and mental functions are realised but the mind is still active and partially awake. At the end of the night, the body temperature gradually begins to rise and the internal functions of the body begin to calm down.

Deep sleep or REM sleep accounts for about 70% of the total time that people spend asleep. REM sleep is associated with memory restoration, creative tasks and muscle growth, according to recent studies. About a quarter of the total time spent asleep is spent in REM sleep and it can last for about two to three hours. If you suffer from insomnia, it is likely that the quality of your REM sleep is suffering, since the brain activity necessary for this is not happening.