Choosing the Right Mattress For Your Home


A bed is an essential piece of furniture for a home. We spend a third of our lives in it, so it’s important to choose one that provides support and comfort to help you get well-rested night after night. There are many factors to consider when picking out a mattress, including material, size, and price.

You’ll also want to think about the style of your bedroom and how the bed will fit in with the rest of the room. If you don’t already have a bed frame, it’s a good idea to invest in one to keep your mattress off the ground and provide added stability. You’ll want to find a sturdy wood or metal frame that fits with your decor and complements your headboard.

Another consideration is whether or not you need a box spring with your new mattress. A bed frame and box spring work together to lift the mattress foundation off the floor, support it, and help prevent sagging over time. However, some mattresses are designed to be used without a box spring and may be a better choice for those on a budget.

The type of sleeper you are will also play a role in which mattress is best for you. If you’re a back sleeper, look for a mattress with a medium firm feel that is able to support your spine and prevent pain in the shoulders or lower back. For side sleepers, a pillow-top mattress will provide pressure relief for your hips and shoulders while also allowing for freedom of movement. If you’re a combination sleeper, look for a memory foam mattress with a soft feel that is capable of isolating motion so you and your partner can both sleep comfortably.

Having a consistent, relaxing bedtime routine is another way to promote sleep. Putting on pajamas, lighting a candle or incense, and turning off the television are all helpful ways to signal to your body that it’s time to wind down. Keeping the temperature in your bedroom at a comfortable level and avoiding any distractions (including electronics) can also help you sleep soundly.

Finally, a mattress protector is a great way to protect your investment and prolong the life of your mattress. It shields the surface from spills, stains, and other damage while also protecting against dust mites, sweat, and allergens that can make their way into the mattress over time. You’ll want to wash your mattress protector on a regular basis, typically every one to two weeks.