The Three Stages of Sleep

While we are awake, we often think that sleep is a time of rest. However, sleep is much more than that. The three stages of sleep that occur during our life include rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, non-REM sleep, and deep sleep. Each stage has its own unique characteristics, linked to specific neuronal activity and […]

How to Heal From BED

People who suffer from BED may have an increased sensitivity to dopamine, a brain chemical responsible for pleasure and reward. This disorder is more common among women than men, and three percent of women experience BED during their lifetime. It can be caused by changes in the brain’s structure, causing a greater response to food […]

The Three Types of Love

The word “love” is a universal, enactable emotion. In fact, it’s essentially the love of a god. According to Greek philosophers, love is a feeling that’s “unconditional, everlasting, and utterly indiscriminate.” A feeling of Agape love is common and is seen in nature, including in parents and children. During times of turmoil, however, love can […]

What We Know About Sleep

Sleep is essential to human life. It accounts for approximately one-quarter to a third of a human’s lifetime. The brain is active during sleep, and certain parts of the brain become active. It is essential for a healthy life. Here’s what we know about the two types of sleep: REM (rapid eye movement) sleep and […]

How to Choose a Bed

A bed is a very important piece of furniture. Not only do we use it to sleep, we also use it for rest and relaxation. There are many different kinds of beds available for sale. The best one is one that fits your tastes and your budget. You can even purchase a custom bed if […]

Types of Love

Love is an intense, passionate feeling of affection for another person. It is also a strong liking for something, or even for an object. While the word “love” has many meanings, it is commonly used to describe intense feelings of fondness for someone or something. While there are many types of love, most people associate […]

Understanding the Different Stages of Sleep

In order to determine the cause of insomnia, doctors use a polysomnogram, a test that records several physiological factors during sleep. This test measures eye movements, EEG, and muscle movements. It also monitors breathing, movement, and pulse oximetry. Research has shown that deep sleep is essential for optimal emotional and social functioning, and helps prevent […]

Treatments For BED and LOC

The relationship between BED and other diagnoses is similar to that between mood and anxiety disorders. There is also an increased risk of some types of cancer, especially breast cancer, when BED coexists with other mental disorders. Nevertheless, research is ongoing and new treatments are being developed. For now, there is no cure for BED, […]

The Definition of Love

The definition of love is a subjective one. It is an intense feeling of affection, and is different for every person. While it has been described as the most beautiful and satisfying emotion, love can also be the most painful. Humans are social animals that have a fascination with it, and the definition of love […]

The Importance of Sleep

Sleep is a natural state of mind and body that occurs several times each day. It is characterized by reduced activity in nearly all voluntary muscles and an altered state of consciousness. While asleep, the human body is less active than when awake and is prone to fewer interactions with its surroundings. Although it is […]