What to Look For When Shopping For a Bed

Getting a good night’s sleep is essential to your health and well-being. This is because slumber is when important processing and restoration occurs throughout your immune, nervous, skeletal and muscular systems, according to the National Sleep Foundation. But if your mattress isn’t giving you the restful slumber you need, it may be time to invest in a new one.

Beds can be made from a variety of materials including wood, metal and upholstered fabric. They can also come in a variety of heights, with low- and standard-profile frames and high-profile options for those who want more height in their bedroom. Beds can be paired with headboards and footboards to add a more finished look to your room’s design.

Mattress Size

The type of mattress you need depends on a few factors, including your body type and sleeping habits. If you’re a back sleeper, you may need a more firm mattress that provides support for your spine, while side sleepers may prefer a softer option that conforms to the curve of your body for comfort.

Most people know the importance of a quality mattress, but many aren’t aware of the different types of beds available and what to look for when shopping. There are several different types of beds, including bunk beds, canopy beds and futons, all of which have their own unique features that can help you find the right one for your needs.

Other Co-Occurring Diagnosis

Binge eating disorder often co-occurs with mood and anxiety disorders, and the symptoms of each can fuel one another. Similarly, people who have BED often report having poor self-esteem and low confidence. BED can also lead to depression and addictions, making it even more important to access treatment for all underlying conditions.

There are many ways to treat BED, including psychotherapy, medication and nutritional rehabilitation. The goal of treatment is to reduce binge episodes, teach healthy eating behaviors, and address any underlying emotional issues. For many people, community-based care is enough to achieve remission from the condition. However, inpatient treatment is sometimes necessary for those who need a more intensive level of care.

If you suspect that someone you love is struggling with BED, it’s important to act early. Symptoms of the condition can be subtle, and it’s important to watch for red flags like: