Learning How to Sleep Well For Better Health and Energy


Learning How to Sleep Well For Better Health and Energy

Sleep is defined as a state of body and mind, characterized by decreased perception, decreased sensory activity, decreased muscle activity and decreased interactions with external environment during non-Rapid Eye Movement sleep (NREM), and decreased activities during REM sleep. Sleep is an essential part of the human life cycle. It helps in the regeneration of cells, growth, and repair of tissues and the maintenance of a normal physiological state. Our life span can be shortened without sleep.

The sleep-wake patterns are different for every individual. The state of sleep depends on various factors such as the duration of the dreamer’s sleep and the duration of his/her sleep-wake cycles. The number of stages in the sleep cycle also affects sleep duration. In general, the normal sleep stage consists of four stages: stage (stage -1), stage (stage -2), stage (stage -3), and waking.

There are certain physical and psychological symptoms that indicate different stages of sleep. Stage (stage -1) is the first sleep stage. It is followed by stages (stage -2, stage -3, and stage -4). In short, a person who sleeps well during daytime has lower chances of having problems sleeping at night. People who don’t go to sleep quickly at night usually have problems sleeping.

Sleep is mainly dependent on brain activity. Sleep is categorized into two types: slow wave sleep ( REM sleep ) and rapid eye movement sleep (NRE). Rapid eye movement sleep or NRE is characterized by vivid dreams and deep sleep. On the other hand, non-rem sleep is the condition where brain activity is significantly reduced during sleep. Some common symptoms of NRE are: decreased mental clarity, slow brain waves during NRE, dreaming, decreased reaction time, insomnia, decreased libido, headaches, muscle tension, dry mouth, tremors, decreased reaction times, and hyperactive.

Although brain activity levels significantly decline during non REM sleep, people still think clearly and can work productively the next day. However, these people become fatigued quickly. It is because their brains no longer operate at full capacity during sleep. Although you cannot change your lifestyle and avoid those things that might contribute to sleep deprivation, you can choose among the many ways to sleep more efficiently. You can find ways to sleep more effectively by learning simple techniques that can help your brain function at its optimum level.

You can do things to induce sleep like taking in a warm bath, reading a book before bedtime, doing exercises, playing video games, drinking chamomile tea, listening to classical music, watching television shows that contain relaxing themes, drinking wine, eating a meal with warm flavors, or engaging in slow and deep eye movements. Aside from those, you can also employ several methods that will help you sleep better such as counting backward while making eye contacts or practicing yoga. In order to have the best results, it is imperative to combine different methods for a more effective result. There are also some lifestyle changes and behavioral modifications that you can do to help you fall asleep faster and stay there.