The National Sleep Foundation – Sleep Disturbances

Sleep is a natural, recurring condition of the body and brain, characterized by decreased perception, relatively reduced sensory activity, decreased motor activity, decreased emotional activity and increased sleepiness, all during rapid eye movement sleep (REMS). Sleep can occur for several hours or for several days. During light sleep, the body generally restarted its repair and regeneration processes, while in deep sleep the body experiences a much more profound state of relaxation, profound dreams and hallucinations, and an extended period in which electroencephalographs (EEG) are active. The human brain is most active during REM sleep.


Although much debate exists about the exact mechanisms involved in dream and waking experience, recent studies show that there are major similarities between the two. In humans, it is very difficult to discriminate demo slot pragmatic dreaming and waking. Interestingly, dreamers and non-dreamers alike often have similar dream-related dreams, similar verbal expressions, and similar waking experiences. The similarities do not stop there. Most importantly, researchers have noted striking similarities in brain wave patterns and behavior between dreaming and waking.

Insomnia is a sleep disorder, and is also classified as a sleep problem. The most common complaints associated with insufficient sleep include difficulty staying awake, inability to focus, irritability, sleepiness during daytime, decreased concentration, poor memory, drowsiness, decreased reaction time, and decreased mobility. These are all obvious signs of a dysfunctional sleep system, and can occur at anytime and without warning. If these symptoms continue or worsen, the physical health of the person can be seriously compromised.

Sleep disorders not only affect the body’s performance during the day, but they also lead to serious health problems. The lack of adequate sleep can lead to a variety of serious diseases, including diabetes, hypertension, obesity, heart disease, stroke, and chronic fatigue syndrome. Sleep disorders also have far reaching effects on the mental state and well being of individuals. Individuals suffering from depression have been found to suffer more during the daytime hours, and they are also more likely to have a history of psychiatric disorders. Similarly, individuals who consistently experience mood swings and other negative feelings are also more likely to exhibit insomnia or some form of sleep disorder. All these negative repercussions on the mental and emotional state of an individual’s life can easily be avoided through sufficient amounts of sleep.

A National Sleep Foundation report found that over one third of adults have sleep problems. Those suffering from sleep apnea are more likely to be diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea, which is a serious medical condition characterized by abnormal gaps in breathing while asleep. A sleep disorder such as insomnia or OSA can also lead to severe daytime sleepiness, which in turn may lead to weight gain. Not only does sleep deprivation cause health related issues such as physical pain and suffering, but it can also lower a person’s self esteem and confidence levels. As a result of sleep problems, many individuals lose the drive to live life to the fullest, as they become incapable of making responsible decisions and are unable to concentrate properly.

In order to avoid the occurrence of these negative repercussions, individuals suffering from sleep apnea should wear a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) mask while sleeping. This device will ensure that the airway is not blocked due to abnormal breathing. Chronic obstructive sleep apnea is characterized by the abnormal pause in breathing when breathing is done during sleep, which is caused by the collapsible airway.