The Benefits of Sleep


Sleep is the state of rest and repair that helps your body recover from the day. It also helps your brain sort through the things you learned during the day and convert those short-term memories into long-term ones that can help you learn new things in the future.

The benefits of sleep include improved cognitive performance, memory consolidation and emotional stability. It also can lower the risk of developing heart disease and certain diseases, such as diabetes and cancer.

1. Your Immune System

Sleep supports the proteins and cells of your immune system, which fight off harmful germs and toxins in your body. It also helps the immune cells remember the things they’ve been exposed to so that you can prevent future infections.

2. Vaccines

A recent study found that getting adequate sleep before vaccinations may make them more effective, by helping the body produce more of the proteins and cells needed to fight the infection.

3. Mood

A sleep-deprived person has a harder time controlling emotions and making good decisions. They also are more likely to act impulsively and unpredictably.

4. Growth and Development

Children and adolescents who don’t get enough sleep have more trouble learning, growing, regulating puberty and fertility and repairing cells and tissues. They may also have a harder time managing stress and being social with their peers.

5. Weight and health

Not getting enough sleep can lead to weight gain and obesity. People who don’t get enough sleep often have a hard time losing weight because they can’t concentrate well, and they’re more likely to overeat.

6. Inflammation

Studies show that people who don’t get enough sleep have high levels of inflammatory proteins, which can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and other health problems. Those who don’t get enough sleep are also more likely to develop chronic inflammation, which is linked to many health conditions and diseases.

7. Hearthealth

Sleep is associated with a reduced risk of heart disease and stroke. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that adults get seven to nine hours of sleep each night, while kids should aim for eight or more hours.

8. Boosts Healthy Heart and Memory

A recent study found that sleep improves cognitive performance, enhances memory consolidation, helps you to forget unwanted information and reduces your risk of developing heart disease. It also reduces your chances of developing diabetes and some types of cancer, and can even help prevent aging.

9. Sleep is Essential for Emotional Health

During sleep, your brain releases neurotransmitters that can regulate the parts of your brain that control your emotions. In particular, the amygdala, located in the temporal lobe, increases activity and can help to reduce your feelings of fear or anxiety.

10. Your Immune System

It’s no secret that the human immune system is a complex and sophisticated thing. In fact, it’s the body’s primary defense against incoming viruses, bacteria and other harmful invaders. Its ability to detect and destroy these threats is greatly aided by the cytokines that it produces while you sleep.