What Is Love?

Love is a powerful force that can shape individuals and the world around them. Whether it’s the love of family, friends, a romantic partner or a higher power, the emotion has captivated philosophers, poets and everyday people. Losing it is one of the most painful experiences, while finding it is among the happiest. But what is love, really?

Psychologists and researchers disagree somewhat on how to define it. Some believe that it’s a basic human emotion, while others consider it more of a social and cultural phenomenon. Still others see it as a complex emotion, with different layers and emotions that combine into the experience of love.

Some scientists see love as a biological drive, similar to hunger or thirst. They believe that the feelings of love are influenced by hormones, such as oxytocin and vasopressin. They also think that it’s influenced by social and cultural factors, such as our history of romantic relationships and our expectations of others.

Others think that love is a combination of primary emotions, such as desire and trust. They believe that we must first love ourselves, and then find someone who will truly love us back. They also recognize that loving others requires a strong sense of trust, which can be broken when we feel betrayed or hurt. Then, they say, we must choose to love again — even after we’ve been hurt.

In addition, some scientists view love as a state of consciousness that can be experienced toward any number of things, including people, places and even ideas. This view of love is often associated with tolerance, acceptance, celebration of diversity and open-mindedness. It’s also associated with desire and pleasure.

Other scientists believe that there are different types of love, and they divide them into three primary and nine secondary styles. They also believe that each of these love styles is influenced by a different set of primary emotions.

For example, the affluent Western culture has three primary love styles: attachment, compassion and intimacy. Companionable love, like that between friends or neighbors, doesn’t involve lust but does involve attachment. Compassionate love involves caring about another’s happiness and well-being, such as donating an organ or adopting a child. Intimate love is the most personal, intimate form of love and may be accompanied by a feeling of euphoria.

Bhakti is a form of love that’s expressed through devotion to a higher power. In Hinduism, this includes singing, dancing, reading scriptures and meditating on the divine. Jesus exemplified bhakti when He healed the sick and showed compassion for those who were poor and oppressed.

Regardless of the definition you use, it’s important to show your audience how two people feel about each other. Just telling them won’t bring them into your story or give them a sense of what it means to be in love. Instead, use your words and actions to draw them in, and you’ll have a more effective way of conveying the emotion of love.