What Is Love?


Getting involved in a relationship is exciting and sometimes can change your life. You can start a family, work together, or try new things. In love, you feel a strong emotional bond with your partner. You want to be with them, and you’re ready to do anything to help them. However, being in love also brings its own set of challenges. If you are in a romantic relationship, you should be open to talking about disagreements and tackling hardships. You may even wish to move in with your lover.

In English, there are seven implicit bonds that appear in the use of the word ‘love’. The first is phila, which refers to love between best friends. The second is storge, which means loyalty and attachment among siblings. The third is pragma, which means long-term commitment. The fourth is Agape, which means divine love.

There are several other types of deep affection that can be classified as love. For example, if you like a dog, that is love. If you love a person, you can feel altruistic, protective, or even sexually attracted to them. In fact, there are many kinds of love, each suited for a different situation.

Love has a biological foundation. It is a combination of emotions and hormones that affect decision-making. The strongest of these emotions, mania, is often accompanied by sexual passion. Unlike mania, pragma is a selfless, long-term commitment. It takes a lot of time to develop. The relationship is characterized by understanding, tolerance, and mutual respect.

A love relationship is a complex and exciting experience. The feeling of being in love can affect everything you do. It can make you more comfortable with yourself and your partner, and make everyday activities more enjoyable. You’re also likely to be willing to try new things. You might be motivated to start a family or lift your partner up as you build your career.

Infatuation can occur early in a relationship, but it isn’t permanent. You might feel completely dedicated to your partner, or you might be a bit nervous to share your feelings with them. Regardless, being vulnerable can allow you to have trust that they won’t abuse their flaws against you. You might be able to talk through disagreements without feeling judged, and you might even be able to open up and discuss your opinions.

The most important thing to remember is that there are many forms of love. Your love for someone will depend on many factors. For instance, you might love your parents, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that you will love your romantic partner. Likewise, the love you have for a friend will not be the same as the love you have for your partner.

In the classical Greek accounts of love, there are many disparate states under the category of ‘love’. There is eros, which is classic romantic love; there is storge, which is familial love; there is pragma, which is long-term commitment; and there is awe, which is playful affection.